Sunday, April 13, 2008

Today has been exciting. This morning we got up and listened to Terra sing on the radio with the group she is in from Nashville. The Soul Choir. They got invited to sing on 92.9 f.m. 's morning show. So we logged on and listened. The Soul Choir has been invited to Italy in October for 18 days so they are fund raising. On April 27th they are having a big fund raiser in Nashville. It is killing me that I can't be there they are going to be having a concert during the meal they are so good! You can check them out at . Or on their music myspace Well my apple pies smell like they need to be checked. Oh here is a picture of Terra so you can see who is singing.

1 comment:

Wendi F said...

Congratulations on finishing your blog it looks great. I am glad that Terra is doing so well with the Soul Choir.